This page reflects the policies of Studio Ink Bat on issues of high concern in our business.

Artificial Intelligence

Studio Ink Bat does not seek out or intentionally publish writing, design, or art produced by computer programs. We are a creative studio, and so we hire creatives to do the creative work. 

As we are fully transparent on this subject, we expect the creatives we hire to turn in work that was produced by human beings and not artificial intelligence.



Studio Ink Bat collects only client and customer data necessary to run a functional business. We do not sell or disclose our clients’ or customers’ private information to third-party entities without the client/customer’s consent or a formal court order.



Studio Ink Bat does not do open submissions of either writing or art, but we do have windows during which we will review writing samples and artist’s portfolios. If you would like to be considered for freelance work, you can send us a query with the subject line “Query: Review”.

Please send queries to